How to Grow Red Worms and Make the Best Fertilizer I am here in Chicago, Illinois and I’m at a cool place and no, it’s not a farm you can see behind me. They are not like really growing stuff here. Well actually, they are growing something in here. They are growing worms and making
Premium Worm Castings – Master Organic Soil Solutions 33 lb Bag If you are just setting up your composting operation but need worm castings now we recommend this product. You’ve probably tried others. We think that this is the best. The sellers say that these are the finest worm castings on the market and indeed
Worm Castings / Vermicompost Most people who keep red wiggler compost worms do so for the nutrient-rich worm castings or vermicompost (worm poop) that is the end result of worm composting. We recently harvested one of our smaller worm bins, and took photos of the worm castings before using them in our garden. Vermicompost is