Tag: compost bin

Six Different Ways To Compost, No Matter Where You Live

Different Ways To Compost Different Ways To Compost. If you’re curious about compost, but you don’t know either what it is or just how to get started in a practical way at home. This video is for you. Kevin Espiritu here from Epic Gardening where it’s my goal to help you grow a greener thumb.

Envirocycle Tumbling Compost Bin and Compost Tea Maker

This is our Envirocycle tumbling compost bin and compost tea maker. This compost bin holds seven cubic feet of material or about 53 gallons. It’s easy to use and it spins so it creates compost really fast. It also has a base on the bottom that holds five gallons of compost tea you can choose

How to Make Vermicompost

I started normal composting and vermicomposting a year ago in 2016 where I realized that composting is a mere waste of time and vermicompost is the only “Go To” thing when you need a super rich organic fertilizer in a very short period of time. See, composting really takes a long period of time in