Tag: vermicompost

Worm Composting: How to Make a Wormery

[WPXperVideo id=32 ] Worm composting Worm Composting. Wonderful, wondrous wiggling worms -they’re just magnificent and the starting point to healthy soil and awesome compost. Traditional compost heaps like this one here are full of them, but there is another way to turn kitchen scraps and weeds into nutrient-dense goodness – by using a wormery. Intrigued?

What to Feed A Growing Red Wiggler Population

What to Feed A Growing Red Wiggler Population [WPXperVideo id=21 ] Nothing is better for garden soil than worm castings. We use them in our seed starting mix. We add them by the bucket to our garden beds in the spring and we use them to make compost tea rather than buy commercially available worm

How to Make Vermicompost

I started normal composting and vermicomposting a year ago in 2016 where I realized that composting is a mere waste of time and vermicompost is the only “Go To” thing when you need a super rich organic fertilizer in a very short period of time. See, composting really takes a long period of time in

Top 10 Best Vermicomposting Tips

Here are the top 10 tips on how to maintain a vermicompost bin. I spoke about in a previous video how to start a vermicompost bin but this video will be about how to maintain a vermicompost bin. So the first tip I have for you is you want to maintain the moisture in the

Worm Castings / Vermicompost

Worm Castings / Vermicompost Most people who keep red wiggler compost worms do so for the nutrient-rich worm castings or vermicompost (worm poop) that is the end result of worm composting. We recently harvested one of our smaller worm bins, and took photos of the worm castings before using them in our garden. Vermicompost is